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The Story of B Company
complete story with photos
The B Company 4th Infantry Battalion USMC Marines were called to active duty on August 21, 1950. All 227 Marines marched down the main street in Duluth, Minnesota and boarded a troop train. B Company sustained over 80 percent casualties, ten K.I.A´s, and one P.O.W. who was held for thirty-three months. These brave Marines saw extensive combat action, from Inchon to the Changjin (Chosin) Reservoir and the fight back to the sea, with extreme weather conditions where the temperature fell below -40 degrees and deep snow impeded every effort. Some of the medals earned by these Marines include four Silver Stars, six Bronze Stars, two Naval Commendations, and seventy-nine Purple Hearts.


Duluth B Company Marines. Semper Fi.

Medals Received

Medals and acccolades earned during the performance of duty by the men of Company B and the stories behind them.
Marines Official Site
Official United States Marine Corps Website

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